June 28, 2022, 6:49pm
I use to use a CSV file, created with an excel file, in Gantt Project and it worked very well.
Lately I had an IT update, which updated my laptop parameters and required to download a latest version of Gantt Project.
The file I use to use do not import anymore in Gantt Project. Also when I create a project in GP, export it in CSV and import the same file, it works but the project is imported upside down. The last task is first and so on.
Can you help me on this issue?
Attached is an example of the file that used to work and does not work anymore
Valentinwp11.csv (1.6 KB)
This project imports fine, if you set the date format to M/d/yyyy
Also when I create a project in GP, export it in CSV and import the same file, it works but the project is imported upside down
It works fine in the latest version. What version are you using?
July 4, 2022, 7:49pm
Hello Dmitry,
Thank you for your feedback
I use GP version 3.2.3244
I checked the date format and it solves the import failure issue.
But still when I import the file, it is imported upside down (last task first and so on…)
Do you have any tips with that?
It works fine in my tests. If you see the opposite, please record a screencast showing the issue.
July 6, 2022, 7:29am
Hello Dmitry,
Please find attached a footage of the issue!
GP upside down csv import|690x366
Let me know if you need further details
I see, thanks. Submitted a bug report:
opened 09:22AM - 06 Jul 22 UTC
closed 10:04AM - 14 Jul 22 UTC
Fixed and published
1. Create a project with two top-level task and a few child tasks
2. Export pro… ject to CSV
3. Import it back
Expected: the order of all tasks is preserved
Actual: child tasks go in reverse order
Reported on the support portal:
![GP upside down csv import](
July 8, 2022, 5:32pm
Hello Dmitry,
I see that the bug is fixed in Github. How can I beneficiate of the patch ?
It will come with the next bugfix update via the update channel.
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