Cannot find my first Project I created

Hi,I created a project (hours of work). I am unsure that I saved it as I am unable to find any reference anywhere. I can find a gantt project java log only.

I have a MAC - would LOVE if anyone could direct me how I might search for it as normally MAC saves everything…


GanttProject would not allow you to quit without saving you work. Did you force quit or what?

If Finder in you macOS can’t find files with .gan extension, you can try using Help > Recover in GanttProject. It scans through internal autosave files, shows their size and time when file was created and asks if you want to recover.

Thanks for that - i did that and it did nothing…

I created the project on 23 September - I was in and out of it using it - not sure I closed it ever.
My computer crashed at the end of September - upon reopening all documents etc were recovered (didn’t check yours)
Went to open today - couldn’t find anything except the Java log and .dmg file so I clicked the .dmg and it has opened up (installed) a new project… when I search for .gan files - I get the two logs only - today and 23 sept… I don’t appear to have any auto saves

I thought I had saved/named it as Launch something but… nothing…

Well, sorry, but there is nothing that GanttProject can do except for Help > Recover :frowning:

The exact same thing happened to me here… also on Mac. Had created a project and still had the app open. another day I go back into the app and nothing is there. Well actually not exactly the same, I had also put hours of work into my first project, but my system had never crashed in the meantime. Tried saving anyways but it saved an empty project. Extremely bad user experience. You should stress users on mac platform to always save manually also intermediate versions because of this bug!

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I’m in the same boat! I feel like it’s such a waste of time to use this app on a MAC. I cannot find my project after spending HOURS on it. I’m very disappointed and nothing you have suggested in this thread works.

Why have I received this - this was sent by me in 2020

I know. I wasn’t trying to send it to you but rather commenting on your thread and responding to the moderator. Disregard ~