I cannot get ganttproject.app running

I am using osx 10.11.6, I have installed jre-8u201-macosx-x64.
Downloaded ganttproject-2.8.10-r2363
ganttproject.app will not start.
What am I doing wrong?

You may want to read this knowledge base article:

Thank you. It’s running now. Sorry for disturbing.
Thanks, Lucas

That’s great! What helped?

Hi Dimitry,
I’m not sure. I have tried to start the app by dubble klicking, three / four times, but it didn’t start. The fith time, he was running. Why I don’t know. I think there was a jave problem, java not running or not running well.
I’ve used Ganttproject a long time ago, but I returned to Project.
Now, I am practising with the app, I am very pleased with the way I can use the software. It’s running very well and I can do all my msProject things, I am used to do. Thank you.
I like the possibility to change the colours in my ganttchart. I am staying.
Regards, Lucas