Bloqueo constante en macOS con archivos gantt project -- 15012024

Hola Equipo Gantt Project

De manera atenta solicito por favor de su colaboracion con el siguiente problema:

1.Al iniciar el programa Gantt Project se presenta bloqueo de aplicacion, con el circulo de carga continua y hay que forzar el cierre para poder salir de la aplicacion. sucede con los formatos de extension .gan

Hemos instalado la version 3.2.3200 dmg para MacOS en un computador portatil:

  • Macbook Pro 2019 cuatro puertos Thunderbolt
  • sistema operativo MacOS Sonoma 14.2

Para intentar solucionar la falla, hemos realizado la reinstalación del programa Gantt Project, con las ultimas actualizaciones disponibles pero la falla persiste. quisiera saber si nos pueden ampliar con una ayuda para solventar la falla.

Muchas gracias por su amable atencion


Hello Gantt Project Team

I respectfully request your collaboration with the following problem:

1.When starting the Gantt Project program, the application lock appears, with the loading circle continues and you have to force it to close to be able to exit the application. It happens with the .gan extension formats

We have installed version 3.2.3200 dmg for MacOS on a laptop:

  • Macbook Pro 2019 four Thunderbolt ports
  • MacOS Sonoma 14.2 operating system

To try to solve the failure, we have reinstalled the Gantt Project program, with the latest available updates, but the failure persists. I would like to know if you can extend us with help to solve the failure.


Thank you very much for your kind attention

I don’t understand the issue, sorry. Do you have problems with launching GanttProject? Or just with opening a single file? Or anything else?

Hello Dmitry

Thanks for answering, the main problem is the following:

  • When you try to open any file with the .gan extension, it keeps loading and there is no response.

  • I already tried to uninstall gantt project and reinstall but it didn’t work

What do you mean as “keep loading”? Can you please post a screencast/video?