Bug: milestones container

Hi, this seems to me like a bug: I understand that if I put several tasks under a container, the container time span will extend from the earliest day from the latest day of the tasks within it.
But, if the latest element inside the container is a milestone, then the end date of the container is one day before the milestone, instead of the same day.
If the latest element is a task instead, the end date is the same end date of the latest task, as it is supposed to be.

The following pictures show this behaviour:

Can this behaviour be fixed in a future release?

Milestones have zero duration, they can’t add any duration to summary tasks.

based on this answer, in the first example I shared the summary task end should have been 14/3, since “milestones can’t add any duration”.
but it’s not like this, milestones do add duration, but due to this bug this duration is misinterpreted in the summary task, making its end one day before the milestone date.