Коллеги, использую GanttProject запуская из командной строки нужный мне файл. Все работает файл грузится.
Вопрос: можно ли в командной строке, дополнительно к файлу, указывать еще и ID Задачи, чтобы при загрузки файла открывалась в GanttProject именно указанная ID Задача !?
Пример, командная строка: ganttproject “график.gan / id-10”
Translation for those who don’t understand Russian:
Colleagues, I use GanttProject by launching the file I need from the command line. Everything works the file is loaded.
Question: is it possible in the command line, in addition to the file, to specify the Task ID, so that when the file is loaded, the specified Task ID opens in GanttProject !?
Example, command line: ganttproject “graph.gan / id-10”
@bek Please consider writing in English in public discussions. This support portal is visited by people from all over the world and they don’t know Russian.
Answering to the question, there is no such feature at the moment, sorry. What do you mean when you say “the specified task would open”? Do you want to open a task properties dialog? Selection in the table? Anything else? What’s the use case? Do you really open a project file, edit some task properties and then immediately close the file?
Good afternoon, colleagues! I understand, I will write in English.
I wanted to ask if it is possible to modify Ganttproject so that you can run a specific file from the command line with an additional parameter, such as the Task ID.
Example: c:\Ganttproject.exe " File_name.gan /ID 10".
ID 10 is a Task that should open when uploading a file to Ganttproject.
I translated your question and posted a kind of answer above.
Colleagues, I want a trick: in the command line, type - ganttproject <file name, ID>. This combination should open the file immediately on the ID task. Is it possible?
I think there is some sort of misunderstanding here. You asked this question a couple of months ago. I posted a reply. Here it is for your convenience:
there is no such feature at the moment, sorry. What do you mean when you say “the specified task would open”? Do you want to open a task properties dialog? Selection in the table? Anything else? What’s the use case? Do you really open a project file, edit some task properties and then immediately close the file?
Thanks for the answer! It is a pity that it is not implemented.
My task:
I open GanttProject from another app!
in the app, I know exactly which ID in GanttProject I need to open for viewing or editing. 3. When you access a file, for example, I need to acccess ID – 25 as shown in the picture!
I want to open ID-25 right away.
Perhaps there is another way to find the ID I need?
Can you please let us know what do you mean when you say “open ID-25”? Make it selected in the table? Open its properties? Anything else?
Did you get a screen copy? Make it selected in the table. To open the table!
Well, it was not even really selected on the screenshot, so I decided not to build my own wild guesses.
So, what happens next? How long is the expected duration of the user work with GanttProject? Will the user just close GanttProject in a few seconds or will keep working with it for some longer period?
Answering to this question, assuming that “find the ID” means “fidn the task with the given ID”,
Perhaps there is another way to find the ID I need?
you can use search function. Type the ID in the search box in the toolbar and hit Enter. You can use Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut to quickly move keyboard focus into the search field.
Next: the user will edit the selected task. For example, it indicates that the task is completed. and closes the file. Then it will return to the application from which it accessed the Gantt File
link two applications; GanttProject + my own. To use the “Search” is working in manual mode. I need it to be automatic. That is , I selected a file, attached the desired ID to the halyard, and it (Gantt ) opened on the ID I need.
So the expected duration of the user session is very short?
I am linking two applications: GanttProject + my own (writing in Visual Basic). Using “Search” is manual work !. I need it to be automatic. That is, I selected the file, attached the desired ID to the file and it (Gantt) opened on the ID I needed.
Andrey, may I kindly ask you to avoid posting duplicate messages?
the duration of using gantt is different. What is this question for?
I want to understand how much time are you going to save for your user. 5 seconds out of 10 minutes once per day is not a big deal. 5 seconds out of 10 seconds every few minutes makes more sense.
The question is not about shortening the time, but the correct identification of the ID. The user of my program does not see the ID Gantt`a. The program (my program is designed this way) automatically detects the ID. Therefore, the User does not know the ID number and cannot use the “Search” function to select it to open in the gannt table.
My program needs to tell the Gantt program which ID to open.
I see. Sounds reasonable, thanks for providing us with more details.
Good afternoon! You can be sure that this functionality will appear in the next version of GanttProject or exclusively for me!?