Hy there.
I need some help regarding the importing of CSV files.
I managed to import the attached file once, but after i added notes i can’t do it anymore. I tried to remove the notes and it still does not import.
Please tell me what i am doing wrong.
Gantt M.csv (100.0 KB)
I just realised what the problem is.
If i create a project (newproject), then export it… change something and import it again … it works.
The second time you export the project it creates a new column at the end of the table called “Coordinator” (it’s a duplicate name in the header) and it wont let you import the table because the header is not right.
Can someone reproduce this or is this happening only to me ?
newproject.csv (271 Bytes)
newproject exported the 2nd time.csv (286 Bytes)
I am confirming the same issue with Exporting/Importing CSV files. The export file has a duplicate column COORDINATOR (added at the very end), which results in import error:
The header contains a duplicate entry: ‘Coordinator’ in [Name, Begin date, End date, Duration, Completion, Coordinator, Predecessors, Outline number, Resources, Assignments, Task color, Notes, Coordinator]
Removing or changing the name of the duplicate COORDINATOR solves the problem.
Tested the issue on the sample file and was able to replicate the issue when assigned the coordinator to another resource i.e. I changed the coordinator from Jack House to Michelangelo for “Create draft of architecture” task.
EDIT: I noticed there is a COORDINATOR column in task properties under Custom Columns. Deleting it or changing the name temporarily resolves the issue with export/import HOWEVER the column reappear after successful import.