Critical Path not shown on certain tasks

Why does the critical path not show for tasks that are on the critical path within a summary task but which has a link to a lower summary task but also a continuing summary task that is not on the critical path? Its like all the tasks within the summary are not considered to be on the critical path because just some of the tasks within in are not critical?

Here’s a couple of examples:

Admittedly, critical path is not working correctly or the way you expect, in particular when it comes to summary tasks and their children.

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Would you please confirm which version are we talking about? v2.x or v3.x? Thank you

I am running version 3.2.3247 and have issues with the critical path not showing. Is this still a not working feature? Or do I do something incorrectly?

Task is on the critical path, as understood by GanttProject, if it has no float, that is, if increasing its duration will increase the length of the whole project. From what I see on the screenshot, there are indeed just two tasks with such property (float == 0).

Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
In the meantime, I identified that the critical path is only shown if the tasks are connected. If the predecessor is a group of tasks with multiple tasks in it, then it is not shown as part of the critical path nor do the individual tasks on it. So I changed the links between the tasks and now it is working :slight_smile: