Cuales son los beneficios de tener licencia paga con Ganttproject?

Hola, soy un gerente de proyectos, que constantemente requiere tener trazabilidad de las distintas actividades de mi equipo, Por esta razon, pagué los $5 USD de la licencia via PayPal. Pero viendo las opciones, indican que es lo mismo tener pago o gratuito para las funcionalidades, pero vaya, que seria bueno comprender cuales son los beneficios para aquellos que pagamos por la licencia Windows. Gracias

Hello. This is an English-speaking forum. Please consider using English for better understanding. Here is your post translated with Google Translate:

Hello, I am a project manager, who constantly requires traceability of the different activities of my team, For this reason, I paid the $ 5 USD of the license via PayPal. But looking at the options, they indicate that it is the same to have paid or free for the functionalities, but hey, it would be good to understand what the benefits are for those of us who pay for the Windows license. Thanks

GanttProject is free software. Both as speech and as beer. You can always download it for free from our web site.

You may choose an option to pay for downloading. This covers web site hosting expenses, keeps me motivated and helps with funding the work of third-party programmers. Free and paid downloads are bitwise identical. You get exactly the same file no matter if you pay or not. The license is also the same, regardless of paying. It is your choice if you want to support our work or not.

If you’re not happy with what you get, you can request to refund your payment.

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