Days of the week displayed, Day Selected Highlight & Task Selected Highlight

Hi, i haven’t been using Gantt for very long (today), here’s just a couple of things that I thought would be really helpful for readability:

It would be nice if there was an option/toggle for displaying the days of the week next to or below the dates.

Also the ability to highlight a column or row depending upon whether it is selected would help.

displaying the days of the week next to

Kinda addressed here:

ability to highlight a row

Addressed here:

ability to highlight a column depending upon whether it is selected

There is no such thing as selected column in GanttProject. I mean, we can remember the position of the last mouse click, but it is useless in practice since you can’t do anything meaningful with the date.

Hello! I also would like to display the weekday as requested here.
Is there a “custom format” for that in v3.1, please?

Hmmm… Finally I have found to add “E” into the “Custom date format” to get weekday name, but in the grid, not in the top line… Any suggestions?

Dates in the timeline are not using the custom format, sorry. There is a ticket for the week day names:

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Great! +1 point to vote for this! :smiley: Thank you, Dmitry. Regards. M.