Deactivate "Check for Updates every day" in Menu Settings

Dear All, I have a question regarding the Setting “Check for GanttProject updates daily”: is it possible to deactivate this setting during the software-installation via SCCM? Background: we install this software on a few computers via SCCM. I didn’t find a registrykey for this setting or anything else.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!

It is stored in config file as

<option id="rss.rss.checkUpdates" value="true"/>

Replace the value with false to switch it off.

Config file sits in user’s home folder and is named .ganttproject so you can just take the default file (generated after the first start) and replace it with modified one.

We recommend to keep it on, though. Traffic is very low, it won’t break if you have no internet and there is no spam (you can find all previously published news here:

If you switch it off, we recommend subscribing to any of the news channels to stay tuned.