Disable Cloud / Updates in Version 3.3.3312

Hello, we want to install GanttProject in our Company.

For Security we have to disable the Cloud function and the Automatic Update

In the Documentation I didn’t find where I can do that or wich DNS Entry’s I have to block.

Can you help me, how I can disable those 2 functions:)

Thank you very much

Disable in EACH installed machine?
Have you considered adding an outbound firewall rule for GP’s process?

We have an Firewall and an Internet-Proxy. But we don’t have the used DNS Names only the Cloudflare IPs but they changes.

Disable the updates in the Programm is not the solution, we don’t want that the users can enable it without Admin Access (like change Registry or configuration)

We have to disable both central not manual on the pc (changing an config while installation will not be an problem)

GanttProject sends requests to the following domains/URLs :

  • ganttproject.cloud/* for GanttProject Cloud integration purposes
  • www.ganttproject.biz/dl/updates/* for auto-update purposes

Blocking these DNS won’t disable the functions in the UI. However, they definitely won’t work if HTTP requests fail.