Emails accounts - Ganntproject and Ganntproject Cloud

I have created an account in Ganntproject Cloud and I was able to upload my project from the desktop version. But I noticed that the system did not allow me to log in when trying to access the Ganttproject main website. It asked me to create an account. So, there are two different user accounts; one for Cloud and the other for desktop?

Many thanks

Can you please clarify what do you mean when you say “main website”? We dont’t have any accounts on

Hi, I mean the prompt to login that appears when I use this URL:

About the GanttProject Desktop Support category

I see a “log in” option at the top. When I try to use the user name and password that I registered when downloading the desktop software, which is the same as the one I used to connect to the Cloud, it says that the user/password is incorrect. So I had to login with my Google Account… By the way when I try to type in my Google credentials in the box, it does not work. I have to select from the bubble at thet right instead.


Accounts on the support portal are different from GanttProject Cloud. However, there are no “accounts for desktop”.

OK, I see.
Thanks for the explanation.