Enregistrer et ouvrir depuis serveur


utilisateur debutant et pas initié aux ruses ! je n’arrive pas a parametrer enregistrer et ouvrir depuis un serveur
la connexion ftp fonctionne le test est positif par contre le serveur webdav toujours en erreur .
quelqu un peut il m’aider ? que rentrez exactement ? j’ai tout essayé

This is English-speaking forum. Please consider writing in English for better understanding. Thanks.

i am not able to speak english !!

Okay, so here is the translation made by Google Translate. I am replying given this translated text which may or may not be close to original


User beginner and not initiated to tricks! I can not parameterize save and open from a server
The ftp connection works but the test is positive by the webdav server always in error.
Can anyone help me? What exactly do you get? I have tried everything

The main question: what’s the goal? Do you really need WebDAV server?

traduit with reverso

I want to use my project management since various places where from the need to put it on the server

Are you in the same local network?

No I am on 3 different places distant from several one hundred km

okay, do you all have Dropbox or Google Drive?

No nothing of any ca which I do not even know

Just need to know what to indicate in compartments server if that works?

Do you have your own WebDAV server anywhere? Or do you use some cloud storage with WebDAV interface?

I do not know what is exactly Web dav? I just have a site with my domain name accommodate on a server

If you don’t know what is WebDAV server you probably don’t want to use it.

I really recommend to consider using Dropbox. It is free, it appears as a local folder on your machien and you can use it as a local folder from GanttProject.

And I want just to record my project on this accommodation and to be able to open it of one of the three places or I work