I tried exporting my project to MS Project (text and XML) and got an error. I have not used costs in this project, though I may have played around with a cost in one task, but I’ve now confirmed that all my tasks are “Set explicitly: 0.0” which was the default. All my resources have cost 0.
Here’s the last bit of the log file with a backtrace:
WARNING: Export failure. Failed subtask: Export project
java.lang.RuntimeException: Export failure. Failed subtask: Export project
at net.sourceforge.ganttproject.export.ExporterBase$2.run(ExporterBase.java:167)
at org.bardsoftware.impl.eclipsito.JobManagerImpl$GroupWorker.run(JobManagerImpl.java:163)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
at net.sf.mpxj.Task.getCost(Task.java:1791)
at net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.MSPDIWriter.writeTask(MSPDIWriter.java:1017)
at net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.MSPDIWriter.writeTasks(MSPDIWriter.java:986)
at net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.MSPDIWriter.write(MSPDIWriter.java:193)
at net.sf.mpxj.writer.AbstractProjectWriter.write(AbstractProjectWriter.java:55)
at biz.ganttproject.impex.msproject2.ExporterToMsProjectFile$2.run(ExporterToMsProjectFile.java:120)
at net.sourceforge.ganttproject.export.ExporterBase$2.run(ExporterBase.java:165)
… 2 more
I’m running GanttProject 2.8.5 Pilsen (build 2179) on Win 7