I have downloaded the newest version of the app on my Win11 and also patched automatically to the newest version.
When trying to open or save a file, I always get the following error:
Could not initialize class org.controlsfx.validation.ValidateEvent
I also have a logfile for the issue.
WHat can I do? Actually I can import created files and save them on the cloud server, but not work locally.
Please share the log file.
Hi Dmitry
How can I share the file? Do not find the icon for attachments. The file is to big to be copied in here
The highlighted icon.
ganttproject.log (60.2 KB)
Thanks. Can you please record a screencast showing how to reproduce the issue?
I can’t reproduce this issue in a simple straightforward scenario (e.g. start GanttProject, click Project > Open). On your screenshots I see that some project is already open, which means that you did something before you hit this issue (e.g. you opened that project somehow). I am wondering if you have a reproducible scenario for this bug.