Hello I changed the Exit-Preference-size, I made a mistake and the app is too big to use. How can I change it back by default? I tried to uninstall and reinstall but it doesn’t work.
Remove file .ganttproject
from your home folder. Notice the leading dot in the file name. Some file managers may hide such files by default.
Hello, I have a similar problem. Ganttproject was unresponsive and crashed while I changed the font size in preferences. Now I cannot change it back since the font is too big. Uninstalling and re-installing did not work and there does not seem to be a .ganttproject file anywhere. I am on a MacBook Pro with MacOS Monterey and have changed Finder to show hidden files. Thanks in advance for any help on how to reset things.
file sits in your home folder. Running rm -f ~/.ganttproject
from Terminal will do the trick.
thank you Dmitry, found it and restored the font size