.gan file produces different results when opened on different computer

We have 2 computers running both Ganttproject 3.3.3312.

On computer A we created a planning and checked the .gan file into SVN. When we open this .gan file on computer B, we get a scheduler report stating some of the tasks have been modified.

Opening the file on computer A produces no scheduler report and planning is we intended it to.

Differences we see between the same file on computer A and computer B:

  • On computer B, the tickbox “earliest begin” is not checked whereas on computer A this is ticked. If I tick it on computer B, it is unticked again when I press the OK button.
  • Begin date on computer A is oct 7, 2024, whereas on computer B this is set to septermber 26, 2024.

I have attached screenshots and the .gan file in question. Anybody an idea why this may be happening?

Planning.gan (6.5 KB)

Please attach a log file from computer B.

This is the logfile located at C:\Users\petervg (computer B)

ganttproject.log (1.4 KB)

I see that the log was produced by GP 3312, however, are you sure that you open the file with 3312? Maybe there is an older version (e.g. GP 3.3.3300) that opens the file?

There was a bug with such symptoms in GP 3.3.3300: Earliest begin not working in 3.3.3300 version · Issue #2402 · bardsoftware/ganttproject · GitHub

It was fixed in GP 3303.

Hi Dmitry,

good point to check. I’ve opened the file (got the remark about replanning) and want to the help - about menu to double check. But it is effectively 3.3.3312.

To make 110% sure I asked my colleage on computer A to perform the same check (and confirmed to be 3.3.312), save the file, send it via mail to me (computer B) and I reopened it and checked my version. Also there 3.3.3312.

PLanning opened on computer A:

Double checked the version used on computer A:

planning sent to me (computer B) and opened - I get a scheduler report and plannig is effectively different.

Doublechecked version used on computer B:

Can you please install GanttProject from the ZIP archive on computer B and run it using ganttproject.bat? You can find the instructions here:

Let me know if Project>Open this file in GanttProject from the ZIP distro shows the same behavior.

Also, I suggest completely uninstalling GanttProject from computer B, removing the program folder, and installing 3.3.3312 again.

I deinstalled the version I had and followed all instructions to run the version from the zip, but I’m not able to do this. I took notes of all the steps I took in the attached PDF file.

Ganntproject removed.pdf (110.1 KB)

I just realized I installed JRE21 and not 17… deinstalled JRE21 and replaced it with JRE17 and now the software from the zipfile starts properly and does not show the problem with the moved tasks.

Also downloaded the installer (exe) from https://www.ganttproject.biz and also this one does not show the issue anymore with the moved tasks…

So issue is solved, but no idea what could have gone wrong…

(thanks for the assistance by the way! Much appreciated!!)

My guess is that the libraries from two different GanttProject 3.3 build got mixed up in the same directory, and you actually were running the code of 3300, although it was reported as 3312