Version 0.3 now released onto GitHub. Link is here.
Here are the release notes:
This release includes an additional feature which will suppress task notifications if conditions below are all met:
- New notify configuration to include non-started tasks with non-started predecessors is set to FALSE
- Non started task has one or more Finish-to-Start predecessor tasks
- One or more of these FS predecessor tasks are themselves also non-started
The purpose behind this is to address the environment where there’s no point notifying that Task A is due to start if the prior dependent task B hasn’t begun as yet.
Also, this release includes extensions to the automated Junit testing. It now uses the sample HouseBuildingSample Gantt project and simulates various dates in the plan to confirm that task notifications work exactly as expected. This also includes use of the new option added for V0.3 and the existing options controlling notifications.