GP v3.3.3294 issues on exporting PNG PDF

Hello! Using GP beta v3.3.3294 with portable JRE v17.0.9. on Win10

  1. Exporting a PNG chart does not get the dates set in the dialog.
  2. Exporting to a PDF chart does not show the “alert” field, as it is show in the list of visible columns.

Hope that I am not doing something wrong… Great thanks! Regards. M.

Is it what is addressed in this issue?

Yes. Seems very similar to that description. I am using a Spanish Win10 and PORTABLE JRE… if it helps.

On the same issue… I cannot check the text associated with the ALERT ICONS; the width of the column is always short to show all the description. I see “NOT…”, “INP…”, “DEA…”, with Spanish UI set.
How can the fields be read? In GP, they are just icons… Thank you!

On the same issue… I cannot check the text associated with the ALERT ICONS; the width of the column is always short to show all the description

I don’t understand this, sorry. Where are those columns? What do you mean as “check”?

Hello @DmitryBarashev! Thanks for replying.
I mean, “check” the text. See attached image of an PDF from a gp33_export
GP v3.3 export with Alert icons.

I mean… How can that text be changed? It also seems that it is not Spanish in the report… (i.e. “day” vs “día”, “DEA…” etc… Thank you @DmitryBarashev

I don’t see any alert column in PDF export at all in GP 3.3 (I don’t see it in GP 3.2 either).

:open_mouth: Surprise! I use PORTABLE versions of GP v3.1 v3.2, v3.3 with corresponding JRE v11 and v17.
Do you think that this new column shown is a lateral effect from this configuration?