GP vs Project libre

I know this is a bit odd, but I need an urgent advice. I have been a happy and satisfied user of GP for years and created literary hundreds of projects with it. Now our IT people decided to unify the software and came to a decision to use Project Libre. I looked at it, tried it, and found it to be way below to what GP has to offer. I decided to fight for GP, and I just wonder if anyone of you has the same experience. For one thing, GP has much better UI, and its exporting/reporting machine is light years ahead of the LP, which has literally none.
Has anyone tried both and came to the same conclusion?
Thanks in advance!

My opinion is naturally biased, but anyway, a few remarks on ProjectLibre development and support process (which might be interesting to your IT people):

  • There is pretty low activity in ProjectLibre public support forums, no matter those on SourceForge or on their own web site or issue tracker, and many questions and issues are just ignored. Perhaps they have not so public support channels though.
  • The latest commit to master branch in their Git repository on SourceForge is dated by April 2019 (the latest commit in dev branch dates back to 2017). However, they may have other repositories, even private ones
  • ProjectLibre seems to have performance issues with rendering projects having many tasks or too long tasks.
  • I can see pretty basic usability issues, such as clipboard operations which do not preserve task relationships, etc. but let’s leave bug reports to people who use PL :slight_smile:

All this said, there are some features in PL which are missing in GP (e.g. hour-level granularity) and perhaps your IT people like them.

Thanks, Dmitry,
I was kinda soo hoping you would post some additional comments, and yes, very substantial they are. I presented my case yesterday, was listened to, and now hoping for the reasonable decision. Will let you know.
And, with a product like GP, it is not difficult to be biased. It simply ROCKS!

Good luck! Whatever the decision they make, I don’t think it would be set in stone. If users start complaining, IT personnel is supposed to listen to them and fix the issues (I hope so!).

By the way, what are their arguments in favor of PL?


I surely hope so, too, because right now that PL icon on my desktop just makes me sick.

As far as I know there are no arguments in favour of PL (and none against GP, ether). We are starting a big IT centralization in our (public) administration and they want to standardize and limit the number of programs that are used all over. My wild guess would be that PL was the first PM tool they found on the internet and just put it in our SW depository, or somebody was already using it and made it into the decision. They actually looked quite interested when I described them the advantages we see in GP.

The only other relevant deciding factor (not limited to GP, of course) for their decisions is its IT security. Or some big “who are they to teach us” ego.

Will keep you informed.

V sre., 29. jan. 2020 17:31 je oseba Dmitry Barashev via GanttProject Support [email protected] napisala: