Import Tasks help

@Allen_Spence May I kindly ask you to be a little bit more focused, provide more concrete information and do not spoil other’s discussions?

On a Mac you have to type the csv extension to get the OK button to activate.

This seems to be related to the issue described in your email ? We would really appreciate if this appeared in that topic, not in this one.

I imported 99 items and the gantt bars showed up but the task names did not.

Please start a new topic, show us the screenshot and attach the source .csv file. It is really hard to guess what exactly is going on and how the result looks like.

The file does open. It is minimized in the lower left corner and hard to see.
But the tasks still do not appear although the bars do with the wrong start dates.

Please start a new topic, show us screenshots and explain what start date is in your opinion “right” and what is “wrong”