Issues when running with Java 16 on Windows 10

Hi, I’m having the same problem I have seen in other posts.

I have installed the recommended java version 16.

Everything seems to run fine so far except the open dialog, and that is a big problem.

None of the previous posts helped me.

Please post the contents of the log file. Help > View log.


GanttProject 3.1.3101
Settings file:
location: C:\Users\VascoAmaral.ganttproject
is readable: true
java.class.path: eclipsito.jar;C:\Users\VascoAmaral\PortableApps\GantPortable
java.home: C:\Program Files\BellSoft\LibericaJRE-16-Full
java.ext.dirs: null C:\Users\VASCOA~1\AppData\Local\Temp
java.runtime.version: 16.0.1+9
java.vendor: BellSoft OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
java.vm.vendor: BellSoft
java.vm.version: 16.0.1+9
os.arch: amd64 Windows 10
os.version: 10.0 com.bardsoftware.eclipsito.Launch --verbosity 1 --version-dirs plugins;~/.ganttproject.d/updates --app net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject GB
user.dir: C:\Users\VascoAmaral\PortableApps\GantPortable
user.home: C:\Users\VascoAmaral
user.language: en
user.timezone: Europe/Lisbon

May 25, 2021 9:24:34 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl error
SEVERE: Can’t set awtAppClassName (needed on Linux to show app name in the top panel)
May 25, 2021 9:24:34 AM net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GPLogger log
INFO: Deleting old auto-save files
May 25, 2021 9:24:35 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: Creating main frame…
May 25, 2021 9:24:35 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 1. loading look’n’feels
May 25, 2021 9:24:35 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 2. loading options
May 25, 2021 9:24:35 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 3. creating menus…
May 25, 2021 9:24:35 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 4. creating views…
May 25, 2021 9:24:36 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 5. calculating size and packing…
May 25, 2021 9:24:36 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 6. changing language …
May 25, 2021 9:24:36 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 7. first attempt to restore bounds
May 25, 2021 9:24:36 AM biz.ganttproject.LoggerImpl debug
FINE: 8. finalizing…
May 25, 2021 9:24:36 AM net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GPLogger log
INFO: [GanttOptions] save(): finished!!

Thanks. The issue seems to be reproducible with Java 16 indeed. Why don’t you use the Java Runtime 11 which comes bundled with the installer for Windows?

I don’t use the installer because I want to keep it portable. Are you saying that the problems doesn’t exist with JRE 11? I can install that version instead

But you don’t make it portable this way. If you move your “portable” installation to a computer where Java Runtime is not installed, it certainly will not work.

On the opposite, chances are that if you use the installer and install into a directory on a flash drive, it will be portable, because the runtime itself will be on the flash drive too, and most likely the launchers (ganttproject.exe and ganttproject.bat) will find it.

Ok, I have solved it by installing JRE v11