Je ne plus faire de mise à jour à mon fichier


Je ne peux plus faire de changement dans mon fichier depuis le 3 novembre 2021. Quand j’ouvre Gantt automatique j’ai le message: Something went wrongInvalid range: [Wed Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2022…Wed May 11 00:00:00 UTC 2022], Quand j’essaie d’ajouter quelque chose dans le projet, j’ai toujours le message d’erreur Something went wrong. Est-ce que vous pourriez m’assister?

I would create another file, my friend… : (

We do not speak French, sorry. I am replying to the translation produced with Google Translate (quoted below). Please consider writing in English for better understanding.


I cannot make any more changes in my file since November 3, 2021. When I open automatic Gantt I have the message: Something went wrongInvalid range: [Wed Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2022… Wed May 11 00: 00:00 UTC 2022], When I try to add something to the project, I always get the error message Something went wrong. Could you assist me?

Please share the project file.

Hi Dmitry,

I cannot make any more changes in my file since November 3, 2021. When I open Gantt project I get this message: Something went wrong Invalid range: [Wed Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2022… Wed May 11 00: 00:00 UTC 2022], When I try to add something to document I always get the error message Something went wrong.


Did you read my reply? Please share the project file.

Sorry here is the file Gala1.gan (28,3 Ko)

So, it seems that the issue was that one of the summary tasks, “L’étude de faisabilité”, had “earliest begin” date set and it didn’t work properly. I switched off earliest begin constraint in that task and now it opens fine. The result is attached.

Gala1.gan (28.4 KB)

Thank you so much sir!-:slight_smile:

How do you know what was the summary taskd with earliest date?
I had same issue

I found it. When you have a taks and a sub-task link to some previews task, the task shouldn’t be later than subtask… The best way to avoid this is to link only latest subtask with previews one