Links are ignored

I am using version 3.1.3100. I have the following problem: The connections of tasks are completely ignored. For example: If the link to the predecessor is set to start-to-end and as a hard dependency, this is ignored. The bar in the diagram remains at the date set in the general properties for the task. Is this a bug or can I set it?

Please share the project file.

Sanierung Großküche.gan (6,2 KB)
Here ist the file.

What tasks are causing issues?

Also, why don’t you upgrade to 3.2 or at least install the maintenance updates?

I am using version 3.1.3100. I have the following problem: The connections of tasks are completely ignored. For example: If the link to the predecessor is set to start-to-end and as a hard dependency, this is ignored. The bar in the diagram remains at the date set in the general properties for the task. Is this a bug or can I set it?

I am using Version 3.2.3240!

I thought I have seen this message. Can you please let me know what tasks are causing issues? I opened your project, it worked fine, as I expected. So I am wondering what exactly you’re doing, what do you expect and what actually happens.

“Hello, I expect that if I set a dependency, for example, starting point to 0, that the bar in the chart also shifts to starting point 0. I can set anything for the dependencies, but the bar in the chart remains at the date set as the starting point in the properties. Settings for predecessors are completely ignored by the program.”

Can you please point at the concrete tasks where this issue is reproducible?

It must be the case that if I set two processes on the beginning - start 0 to hard, the processes must also start simultaneously. The bar in the diagram should therefore automatically shift. However, it does not! Only one line with an arrow is created. Unfortunately, the process does not shift.

That is a “Start to start” dependency. Is that what you did?

PLEASE describe
a) what you expected: which tasks, with data and dates.
b) what you get: which tasks, with the presumed error or function.

a) “If I have two processes that follow one another, for example, and I reset them to start-start on 0, I expect the bar to automatically move. However, it does not.”
b) “It stays before it is. The dependencies between the processes are completely ignored.”

Please give us the concrete task names in your project, and clarify what exactly do you mean as “reset them to start-start on 0”.

A short example of what I need:

  1. Open the attached project
  2. Create a Finish-start dependency between the tasks “Stahlkonstruktion aufstellen” and “Absturzsicherung”

Expected: task “Absturzsicherung” start date becomes 7/13/23
Actual: …

(for the record, the scenario above works as expected, except for a small issues with the task table cell update)

“Stahlkonstruktion” starts on 07/10/23 and ends on 07/12/23. “Absturzsicherung” starts on 07/20/23 and ends on 07/25/23. If I set the “Absturzsicherung” task in relation to the “Stahlkonstruktion” task so that the start must be on the same day, the “Absturzsicherung” task does not shift to 07/10/23 start but remains at 07/20/23 start. I hope it’s clearer now.

Hello, it’s working again. After we deleted all Gantt files in the user profile and also all log files, please rearrange the processes as they should be. Thank you for your efforts!