Fonts are fuzzy not clear. looks okay on laptop but not on external large monitor
Any details? What exactly is fuzzy, what operating system, what is the monitor resolution, what font is used?
this worked
Good morning
This was fixed using by inserting the two lines of code as per instructions on the support page.
i used this
-Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.0 -Dprism.allowhidpi=false
Hello all! Good update in JRE v17.xx.12 on this. Font is not blurry and High DPI is better managed.
(referring to v3.3, of GanttProject)
Did you check it with GanttProject 3.3 and the latest Java 17.0.12? BellSoft Liberica or any other distro?
Yes. Latest BellSoft JRE v17.0.12. Portable .zip GP v3.3 Win10 x64 with .bat file edited. -nodpi options removed.
Sounds cool. I hope it is not just a coincidence.
Well, references to “hdi”, “windows”, “monitor size”, “render”, “awt” and “accesibility” are in release notes
Not sure which one, but seems to be better, and needs a new dpi setting when used in GP 3.3
needs a new dpi setting when used in GP 3.3
Which one?
I mean… it changes the rendering of the font in the GP UI, so the font size with new JRE is now pretty bigger, with same values of “DPI”, etc…
I have built full packages of GanttProject 3.3.3312 with the bundled Java 17.0.12. They are now served by default from our web site.