Multiple milestones

Is it possible to have Multiple milestones assigned to a single task? or are multiple tasks required? From a reply in 2017 it appears not possible however the software has been updated a few times since then so the answer may change

Not sure to undestand what you mean with “assigned”. Resources are assigned to tasks.
Milestones are a type of task that can have dependencies, and yes, it is possible to have multiple milestones with dependencies to a common task.

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to clarify further I have attached a simple chart with my query
Dymocks DandC program.pdf (50.3 KB)

Why would I not use milestones in your case:

  1. Progress: a task progress would help me to track meetings happened. Milestones do not.
  2. Usage: you are not tracking milestones; you are asking for a (MSp Project) “repeating task”. Not supported in GP.

Alternative: I personally have that same situation, and use a summary task, with milestones as subtasks, which is a supported feature in GanttProject.

OK, thankyou Manuel for the suggestion - I’ll adopt that approach with summary and milestone subtasks
many thanks for you quick responses