Problem importing Apple Calendar ics file

Please share the calendar file.




(Attachment Canada2020-2021.ics is missing)

Hi Dmitry,

I tried to send it to you but it was rejected because it’s an .ics file.


I have added .ics to the allowed extensions. You may also send it as ZIP archive.

Thanks, Dmitry. Here it is again, both ways…


Canada2020-2021.ics (6.81 KB) (2.02 KB)

I tried to import this calendar into GanttProject 3.0 beta and it worked fine.
There is a known issue with ICS files in GP 2.8.11

Upgrading to GP 3.0 beta should solve it.
If you are having other issues, please elaborate on that.

Oh dear!

I’ve downloaded v2.99.2908 (is that v3.0?) and when I click on Import I get a Wizard dialog box and when I click on Next, nothing happens.


Does it look like this?


Yes…exactly like that.


Can you please resize the dialog by dragging its bottom? It is a bug which will be fixed soon.

Ok. We’re getting there!

That worked, and the calendar was imported into the open project.

However, if I open a new project, it’s not in the drop-down box in the Holiday Calendar option in the Create New Project wizard. Should it be?


Calendars are imported into a particular project, not into the application, sorry.

OK. As long as I know.

Thanks for all your help, Dmitry!


You’re welcome. The fix of import dialog size will hopefully arrive tomorrow, if your Auto Update is switched on.

Hi Dmitry,

More problems, I’m afraid.

I’ve imported the .ics file into my project but when I check on the chart itself, it’s affecting more dates than I’ve specified.

So, for example, Thanksgiving (Oct 12, 2020) is fine, but over the Christmas holiday, I specified Dec 25 and Dec 28, plus Jan 1 for New Years Day. However, if I insert an 8-day task to start on Dec 21, instead of finishing on Jan 4 (which I would expect), it’s finishing on Jan 6.



Taking into account weekend days between Dec 21 and Jan 6, it seems to be correct.

This is what I get from the 8-day task!

I think it should end on the 4th. That’s 15 days from the 21st, less 2 weekends and 3 bank holidays.


Ah, I see. Every holiday after importing becomes 2 days. Apparently there is a bug in the importer which makes the event end date inclusive instead of exclusive. We’ll fix that too, thanks for reporting.

Submitted bug report to the issue tracker:

Although it didn’t happen with Thanksgiving 2020…