I loaded the program, started a project saved it and now everything including the program is gone.
Do you mean that the program crashed or anything else?
I saved my work, shut down the computer and when I came back everything was gone. When I installed the program I thought it was downloaded to my hard drive but maybe not as it showed like a thumb drive or external drive on my desk top. I am very upset as there are several hours of work gone.
My order number was SJ9DN918
Bob White
Do you mean that you downloaded DMG package for Mac OSX (which appears as a Volume in Finder) and run GanttProject without installing it to Applications? Find your downloaded ganttproject-2.8.5-r2179.dmg
file in Downloads and double-click it. It will show up in the Finder again. Drag GanttProject to Applications to “install” it.
Ok I did that and it is in applications but when I double click the icon it tries to open but then nothing shows up. I am new to Mac was always a windows guy and this is driving me crazy.
I am now getting the three dots the show red, yellow, and green. Nothing else. Please help. Do you have phone support so we can talk through these problems?
Bob White
Worked out the problems. All is well
One last question. When I close the project, I am working on, and then reopen it is in minimized view so I must drag the corners to expand it. Is there a setting that I can change to stop the project from reverting to minimized size?
Bob White
Glad that you worked it out.
We’re aware of the minimized window issue and will try to fix it in the next updates. Currently you can try using GanttProject with no maximized window, that is, don’t maximize it with green window button but change the size manually so that it was close to maximized. Chances are that with such trick GanttProject will set the window size properly after restart.