Tick : "Afficher dans la planification "

Hello ,
This tick is just after the Priority and the progress fields. I have tried it and i do not get any change in my planning. ( The good news is that it does not crash Ganttproject :slight_smile: )

Thanking you in advance for your support


I think you can close the topics …

Hello ,

I have found in the forum : http://forum.ganttproject.biz/view/20131119104210_-4b9mzmf95256sv91k1d7vod5q
what means Afficher dabs la planification. The translation in English is : Show in timeline , which mean that the task name will appear in the timeline as show here : http://ganttproject.blogspot.com/2012/06/zero-duration-milestones-and-labels-in.html

Now it is cristal clear for me.