io utilizzo gantt project livello base
mi piacerebbe utilizzare il livello più evoluto, c’è maniera di fare un aggiornamento, anche a pagamento ?
io utilizzo gantt project livello base
mi piacerebbe utilizzare il livello più evoluto, c’è maniera di fare un aggiornamento, anche a pagamento ?
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good morning
I use gantt project basic level
I’d like to use the more advanced level, is there a way to upgrade, even for a fee?
Thank you
Please consider writing in English for better understanding.
There are no basic/advanced “levels” in GanttProject. There are many other PM software packages with more advanced features, e.g. Microsoft Project.
Hmmm Good topic… if you would have to recommend for a “ladder” of software packages for PM, starting from GanttProject and ending on Microsoft Project… Which ones would be in the middle?
Which ones would be in the 2 to 9 positions, ordered by capability or powerful features? Free software preferred.
PD: I already have seen the Wikipedia page, but, i would like to have opinions from this community with this question. Thank you.