WebDAV: Requirements, Configurations?

What are the prerequisites for Ganttproject to be able to work with the “Project -> Webserver -> Open from the net …” or “Save to the net”?

We use WebDAV with Apache2 with “mod_dav”, “mod_fs”, “mod_lock” .

As configuration we use:

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/webdav.log vhost_combined
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/webdav.err.log
LogLevel info
DavLockDB /srv/www/DavLock/DavLock.db
Alias /webdav "/srv/www/webdav"
<Location /webdav>
    DAV on
    Options +Indexes
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName webdav
    AuthUserFile  /etc/apache2/users.password
    Require valid-user

Read and write works.
A lock (LOCK) of files does not work with Ganttproject.
Locking files with the client “DAVExplorer”, however, already works.

The “litmus”-Test (http://www.webdav.org/neon/litmus/) says:

-> running basic': ... summary forbasic’: of 16 tests run: 16 passed, 0 failed. 100.0%
-> running copymove': ... summary forcopymove’: of 13 tests run: 13 passed, 0 failed. 100.0%
-> running props': ... summary forprops’: of 30 tests run: 30 passed, 0 failed. 100.0%
-> running locks': ... 18. cond_put_corrupt_token WARNING: PUT failed with 400 not 423 ...................... pass (with 1 warning) ... 38. unmapped_lock......... WARNING: LOCK on unmapped url returned 200 not 201 (RFC4918:S7.3) ...................... pass (with 1 warning) ... summary forlocks’: of 41 tests run: 41 passed, 0 failed. 100.0%
-> 2 warnings were issued.
-> running http': ... summary forhttp’: of 4 tests run: 4 passed, 0 failed. 100.0%

Are there any special requirements for Ganttproject here regarding WebDAV?