Windows help: GanttProject needs Java 7.0 or higher ... but I have Java jre-8u281 installed

I’m using ganttproject-2.8.11-r2396, and Java jre-8u281. If I install Java jre-8u281, I can use GanttProject no problem in that session. But if I reboot, I need to re-install Java to get GanttProject to open. Otherwise, I get GanttProject needs Java 7.0 or higher. I dislike windows, but have to use it. Do I need to set the equivalent of a path?

Most likely there’s something wrong with the registry settings in your Java Runtimes.
However, why don’t you upgrade to GanttProject 3.0? Distro for Windows comes with its own Java Runtime and uses it by default.

Thanks, that’s easier. I didn’t realize there was a newer version. Works great.

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Same Issue, works well in 2.8.11, but NOT works in 3.0. upgrade to JRE 8u281 & openjdk, not help.


Searching for Java in /initrd/mnt/dev_save/tmp/gann/runtime/bin/java
...missing or not executable
Searching for Java in /u/jre/jre/bin/java
...found java version \"1.8.0_281\"
...this seems to be an old Java Runtime
Searching for Java in /u/jre/jre/bin/java
...found java version \"1.8.0_281\"
...this seems to be an old Java Runtime
JavaVM executable not found. You may want to set the path to the 
root of your Java Runtime installation in JAVA_HOME environment 
variable or pass it to ganttproject in --java-home argument


# java -version
java version "1.8.0_281"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_281-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.281-b09, mixed mode)

Stay in 2.8 for safe.

GanttProject 3.0 requires Java Runtime 11+ with JavaFX libraries.

Thanks! After this upgrade, 3.0 works!!