Wish for dotted or dashed line in summary task representing break between tasks

Couldn’t find that wish searching the forum – please, Dmitry, ignore it if I’m the only one – but I think it would be a great leap for ganttproject to have breaks/voids between tasks shown in the summary tasks by dotting or dashing the line there. So if you only give out the summary tasks everyone in a project can see, where to have free time for other things and where to focus on the task (yet where to stay alert for news whether resuption will be earlier or delayed).

Hope the reatio between effort and achieved level of sophistication to be worth it, here.

Anybody else thinks this would be a great improvement?

That is, if there is at least one child task on a particular date, show that date in the summary task as it is now (solid black bar), but if there is no child task on that day, then show it differently?

Yes, exactly. Would also help keeping large sheets well-arranged.

Please have this as a configuration option. I do use a lot summary tasks with milestone only tasks, and that would affect my visualization… unless you innovate on milestone child tasks visualization… :wink:

Maybe you would also like it if such milestone-only summaries were shown differently? Differently than those where the child tasks are not only milestones.

Yes. WRT the current layout, this new layout might be perfectly the current summary tasks layout.

I mean, I will not expect a summary tasks with milestores filled of holes. Well, that’s it.

I have filed a new enhancement request to the issue tracker:

The idea is interesting, however, no promises about when it will be implemented.

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One final issue to define: the composite operation. Subtasks that are summary tasks.
Will it be an OR operation on the gaps of the 2nd level summary tasks with 1st level summary task?

Yes, that’s an interesting question.