ERROR 500 while Registration for Cloud

Hello, i want to register for the GanttCloud to share the Project with my colleagues. But When i try to register for the cloud the site stops directly or latest when I fill up my email and press the button to register. The following text is shown: “Error 500 Failed to send a verification email: FirebaseError: Firebase: A network AuthError (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred. (auth/network-request-failed). Please try reloading this page in a few moments.” - and never disappears.

Thanks for Help in advance,

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thanks for contacting us! We’ll fix it shortly.

I hope it is fixed now. Please try reloading the page and let me know should you have any troubles.

Thanks! Now this Step worked :slight_smile: But the process stopped in connecting the desktop version with the cloud in the step “creating access token” - it just stays there and nothing happens. :frowning:

What browser are you using and will it work with Chrome?

Thanks for the hint - I switched from Safari to Firefox. Now the Token-problem is solved, i could sign in. But I can’t open the Project in the web version/cloud. I loaded it up, it’s shown there, but it doesn’t open in the cloud version. Also I had to upload it manually it wasn’t synchronized with the desktop version. (I did the synchronization already and allowed it in the desktop version). Don’t know, what Im making wrong.

I can’t open the Project in the web version/cloud. I loaded it up, it’s shown there, but it doesn’t open in the cloud version.

What do you mean? GanttProject Cloud is not an online Gantt chart. It is a collaboration server for the desktop GanttProject. You work with your files in the desktop application.

You may want to read the docs: